Patients who use dentures generally have missing or damaged teeth caused by any number of conditions and can occur at a wide range of ages. Dentures will fill the gap of missing or severely damaged teeth but can cause a headache for the patient with expense, maintenance and generally don’t look as natural as a normal set of teeth might look. If you use dentures and have healthy gums you should look into dental implants as an alternative to dentures.
Many patients what to have a general idea of a timeline for this procedure and as the case is with most surgeries, procedure and recovery time vary from patient to patient and dentist to dentist. Generally this procedure can take several months depending on the amount of work being done or on the dentist performing the surgery. Insertion of the implant into the jaw is the step that requires the most time as the implant is placed inside the mouth and allowed six months to naturally settle into place, adapting to new conditions. Next posts are inserted for the implants. Gum tissue grows around the posts and implants to form a natural looking gum line. At this time the tooth implants may also be inserted depending on the dentistry practice. Finally crowns are inserted to put the finishing touches on the implants, giving a new, bright and permanent smile.
Patients using dentures or in need of replacement teeth choose this alternative procedure for several reasons. Dental implants are natural looking; they look like healthy teeth, feel like healthy teeth and function as healthy teeth.
Comfort is key with dental implants. Dentures can wear down the jawbone contributing to long-term damage of the bone and surrounding gum line. Also, denture repair will not be a hindering cost for patients who choose this alternative procedure and patients are able to speak with natural cadence, use proper annunciation and tone as if they have had the teeth their entire adult lives.
Care and maintenance practices are similar to real teeth. Regular brushing and flossing are to be abided by just as regular check-ups at the dentist are crucial to ensure dental implants live a long, fruitful high quality lifespan. Talk to your dentist or dental surgeon to see if this procedure is right for you.