Dementia its Most Rare Forms

Did you know that between 60% and 80% of all dementia cases are due to Alzheimer’s Disease? The gripping disease is the most prevalent and widely mentioned illness related to dementia. We hear about it frequently in the media and in healthcare settings. Yet, there are many other forms of dementia that do not attract such widespread attention, but are equally as serious for the person who has been diagnosed and their families.

The statistics that surround dementia are shocking. 45.7 million people currently live with it and what is particularly shocking is the fact that one new case is diagnosed every four seconds somewhere in the world. Worse still, the volume of dementia cases are predicted to be triple what there are now, by the year 2050.

Dementia causes major issues with memory, thinking and behavior. Rare forms of dementia include Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, amongst others. For more details on these rare forms and less common forms of dementia, have a look at this infographic created by Be Independent Home Care.

the types of dementia you rarely hear about

Alice Lucey

Alice Lucey

Alice Lucey is the Director of Care with Be Independent Home Care and has worked in the healthcare and social care industry since her career began.

Alice Lucey

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