Tooth Fairy Time!

Tooth Fairy Time!

Any home with a growing child is bound to welcome the tooth fairy at a certain point. Losing baby teeth is a normal yet fun custom for many families.

A baby starts to grow teeth at the earliest stage of gestation. These teeth later emerge from the gum during the infant stage and continue to make their emergence until the age of thirty-six months. In general, a three-year-old is supposed to have twenty shiny white baby teeth. These eventually fall out to be replaced by the permanent ones.

Timeline and Order of Losing Baby Teeth

Losing baby teeth can be considered an achievement. It defines the childhood period until the teenage years come. In usual cases, this process starts around year six and ends around year twelve.

Regular dental checkups for your child can help both of you prepare for the actual day it all starts to happen. It’s easy for any parent to get concerned over his child’s dental issues. From the first sight of teeth, it is usually recommended to visit a pediatric dentist to discuss prevention strategies to maintain perfect teeth.

The teeth that appear earliest are usually the first ones to go as well.  The lower central incisors are the first with upper central incisors as a close runner-up. The lateral incisors are the next baby teeth that are likely to leave their places to make room for the new ones. Lastly, it is time for the upper and lower primary first molars to be replaced.

Dealing with Pain

Occasionally, a child may feel some pain while losing baby teeth.  The six-year molars start appearing at the back of the jaw in the empty slot. These teeth are emerging completely new, and as the gum is much harder now than during infant years, it may cause some discomfort for the child. The rest of the teeth, cuspids and primary molars, can come in at around ten to twelve years.

The rising tooth may make the gum inflamed and red. In that case, it is better to have a discussion with a pediatric dentist on possible pain-relieving oral gels for the child.  Children’s acetaminophen and ibuprofen are also effective.  Don’t forget the role of a tooth fairy to lessen the pain with the prospect of earning some ice cream money.

Sometimes loosening teeth have less room in the mouth as they hit the gums or upper part of the mouth. This occurrence needs to be dealt with by a pediatric dentist.

The Actual Falling Out

A tooth starts getting loose, the child will probably wiggle it until it falls out.  This falling out process can take a different amount of time for each individual tooth. Nature will follow its course to fill the empty space with permanent teeth.

It is recommended to avoid any yanking or forcing with strings to force a loose tooth. When the tooth is loose, cleaning teeth with tooth brush should be done, and brushing can sometimes help with the process also.

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