How to Prepare For Your First Podiatry Appointment
June 8, 2015
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You simply cannot afford to take any chances when your health is in question. Visit your doctor as often as possible and make sure to pay attention to any changes that may occur on your body. There are some issues that require immediate attention from your physician, such as sudden chest pain, but there are also some quieter, more subtle problems that are often unjustly endured without you doing anything about them.
One of these issues is the question of the health of one’s feet. Since your feet are of the essential and invaluable significance for the normal functioning of your organism, make sure to always pay attention to their condition. Make sure to pay a visit to a podiatry as soon as you experience any trouble with your feet, or even make a regular visit just to make sure that everything functions as it should. Still, there are several things that you need to know in regard of your podiatry appointment and here is a short list of the most basic dos and dont’s when visiting a podiatrist.
Foot hair is a good thing
Although most people who visit their podiatrist for the first time might feel the urge to remove all hair from their feet or legs this is actually, contrary to the popular belief not a positive practice. In fact, having at least some hair on your toes shows that your blood flow is in a proper working order. Starting to lose your foot hair spontaneously is one of the clear symptoms that you might have a problem with the health of your feet.
Avoid manicure and nail polish
Manicuring your nails before visiting a podiatry is yet another urban legend, a part of the popular belief regarding podiatrist-visiting etiquette that usually turns out to be counterproductive. In a recent interview with podiatrists from Five Dock we found out that manicuring, painting and polishing your nails can often conceal some of the symptoms which indicate strong fungal presence. In order for your podiatrist to be able to conduct a proper examination without any difficulties, your feet should be in a condition that is, for you, as natural as possible.
Supply your podiatrist with all the information necessary
Introduce your podiatrist with as much details relevant to your habits as possible. A visit to your podiatrist should in no way seem different than any other medical examination or checkup. Give your doctor an insight on any information you regard to be relevant when your feet are in question such as your daily routines and your most common footwear.
Pay special attention about the choice of your footwear, as it can turn out to be crucial when the health of your feet is the issue. If you notice any problem or experience any difficulty regarding your regular shoes make sure that you mention this to your podiatrist.
Do not be afraid to ask
If you have any questions regarding the health of your feet there is no time better for you to ask it than when visiting your podiatrist. He or she is a fully trained professional and is more than qualified to answer any of the questions you might have at the moment. The same goes for any other doctor’s appointment as well.
As mentioned at the beginning, you owe it to yourself not to take any risks when your own health is at stake. Your feet are amongst the most essential parts of your body and they deserve your full and undivided attention. You wouldn’t let layman operate on your open heart so why should you act differently when your feet are in question?
Ariel Bellamy is a pretty stubborn health encyclopedia and she loves to know everything about anything. She will always regret not becoming a doctor of medicine, but that won’t stop her from giving away her knowledge about the tiniest health issues that can raise an alarm loud enough to make people see an expert – and save a life.
Ariel Bellamy is a pretty stubborn health encyclopedia and she loves to know everything about anything. She will always regret not becoming a doctor of medicine, but that won’t stop her from giving away her knowledge about the tiniest health issues that can raise an alarm loud enough to make people see an expert - and save a life.