The air that we breathe is getting more and more polluted every day. There is a large number of pollutants that can affect the condition of the atmosphere. It’s therefore paramount that we find the best way to keep our environment safe for our own sake, and the sake of our families. Air purifiers are easy to install devices which can operate in any room in the house, making the air in your home cleaner. If you haven’t decided on an air purifier here is a list of some common air pollutants found in homes which we consider to be genuine reasons for investing in an air purifier.
Get rid of dangerous mold
Mold is a harmful fungus that can spread its spores everywhere in your home and make your life difficult. Most mold found in the house can cause asthma and allergic reactions, but certain toxic kinds of fungus can lead to severe respiratory diseases. In order to prevent molds from occurring it is important to keep the air humidity at 55%. Air purifiers are the perfect solutions for this particular problem. You simply have to set it to “humidify” and adjust the desired level. It will greatly benefit your health and you won’t have to worry about a thing knowing that you can get clean and fresh air at the push of a button.
Hay fever
The most common cause of hay fever are pollen particles found in the air. This leads to itchy eyes and asthma attacks in adults and children who suffer from allergies or are simply more prone to react strongly to this allergen. Air purifiers with special filters efficiently and effectively trap these particles allowing you to continue with your daily routines without worry.
Although pet owners love to keep their pets in their home, it is extremely risky to do so because they can shed their hair and spread a lot of bacteria which are all highly dangerous allergens. Investing in an air purifier will alleviate all the unnecessary stress that comes with owning cats and dogs, and the dander, odors and germs that they tend to drag into the house, making it an environment where diseases can flourish. These purifiers are designed with HEPA filters which can absorb harmful gases, odors, and even the tiniest air polluting particles.
Cigarette smoke
Dust mites and particles
Dust is made out of dead skin cells and hair. And if you count all the family members that reside in your home, plus visitors and pets, then you will understand how hard it is to keep a clean home. Dust mites tend to settle in the carpets, furniture, and on smooth surfaces. Unfortunately, traditional dusting and vacuuming can make the situation worse since these actions contribute to the spreading of these allergens back into the air. Additionally, central heating systems, more importantly radiators, can lift the allergens together with the hot air and disperse them all over your home.
Volatile organic compounds
These compounds are extremely toxic and harmful to the human body. They can cause severe irritation of the eyes, damage the mucous membranes in the nose and throat, headaches, and in some cases chronic health conditions and damage the nervous system. They can be found household products used for cleaning such as: paint, pesticides, cleaning fluids, glues and adhesives. Air purifiers can take care of all these nuisances and make your life easier and healthier.
Make your home into a place that everyone can breathe easy in. Make dust mites, mold, and other harmful pollutants a thing of the past by investing in this affordable and practical device.