In 2014, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare published a report on oral health and dental care in Australia, according to which, the number of people aged 15 and those reporting an oral health problem have risen in the last couple of years. Even though there is an increasing trend towards the proportion of people visiting a dentist, common dental problems remain a burning issue.
The similar statistics is found in a study led by Professor Wagner Marcenes of Queen Mary, University of London indicating that around 4 billion of people around the globe suffer from untreated oral health conditions.
Bad Breath
Bad breath is a common dental problem around 85% people suffer from. It can be caused by the food you eat, unhealthy lifestyle habits, poor oral health habits, or it can be a result of other health problems.
Everything you eat is broken down in your mouth, then it is absorbed in the blood stream and finally it is carried in your lungs producing (bad) breath. If you eat the food with strong odours, bad breath will not go away until the food is completely digested throughout your body.
Poor habits, such as not brushing your teeth daily, which promotes bacteria in your mouth, not properly cleaned dentures and smoking can lead to bad breath.
Other diseases, including dry mouth, gum disease, pneumonia, chronic sinus infections, postnasal drip, diabetes, liver or kidney problems and chronic acid reflux can be associated with bad breath.
Prevent bad breath by brushing your teeth twice a day and after a meal with a fluoride toothpaste. Brush the tongue, as well. Use an antibacterial mouthwash twice a day. Visit your dentist and drink lot of water.
Tooth Decay
Bacteria in your mouth make acids in order to dissolve food. If these acids damage one of the three layers of your tooth (the hard outer layer, the enamel, the middle layer, the dentin and the centre of the tooth, the pulp), they create a hole in the tooth, called cavity.
Brush and floss your teeth regularly as the acids attack the teeth 20 minutes after you eat. Avoid sugary food, as plaque uses sugar as energy and grows faster in your mouth. Some bacteria transform sugar in the glue on the teeth and they cannot be washed away with saliva.
The lack of fluoride can cause tooth decay since fluoride makes your teeth resistant to acids. The lack of saliva in the condition called dry mouth can result in tooth decay. Having diabetes and smoking can make you more likely to have tooth decay, too.
Gum Disease
Since plaque is the primary cause of gum disease, you should take care of your oral hygiene. Other factors contributing to this dental problem are hormonal changes, illness, such as cancer, HIV and diabetes, some medications, smoking and family history of dental disease.
Sensitive Teeth
According to an orthodontist from Sydney, when your gums pull back, they left the dentin exposed. Hot, cold, or sweet trigger the nerve in the pulp resulting in pain. Brushing too hard can destroy the enamel and the dentin becomes exposed, so use a soft-bristled brush and a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Other causes of sensitive teeth are tooth decay, gum disease, tooth grinding, tooth-whitening products, plaque and acidic foods, such as pickles, citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles and tea.
As you can see, all four common dental problems can be prevented and reduced if you practice good oral hygiene and if you visit a dentist regularly. Chronic dental problems should be reported to your dentist immediately.