Leafy green like kale, collard greens, chard and spinach are a cornerstone of healthy diets because they have qualities that reduce inflammation, improve detoxification and protect your cardiovascular system. But if you need more evidence to increase your consumption of powerhouse greens, check out these nutritional research results:
Greens also contain the eye protective nutrients lutein and xeazanthin in much higher concentrations than other foods.For example, 1 cup of kale contains eight times more lutein than 2 large eggs!1
Components in kale, broccoli and Brussels sprouts have been shown to induce breast cancer cell death, reduce the ability of hormones to stimulate breast cancer cells and slow down breast cancer cell reproduction.
A convenient way to increase your daily intake of greens is to freeze them ahead of time in rolls and add them to your morning smoothie:
Wash and thoroughly dry leaves of spinach, kale or chard.
Remove the tough stems from chard or kale then cut into strips.
Roll up the leaves and secure with a toothpick.
Spread out rolls on plate or cookie sheet to freeze, once frozen you can remove toothpicks and store in a bag.
Add 2-4 rolls to your morning smoothie.
If you’re just getting accustomed to greens in this way, start with baby spinach because it’s milder. Also pineapple and banana tend to “hide” the bitterness of greens well.
Tropical Green Detox Smoothie
Combine the following ingredients in a blender:
1/2 cup frozen mango pieces
1/4 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1 cup water
1 cup” kale rolls”, “chard rolls”, or baby spinach leaves
1 tsp ground flax seeds
4 tablespoons Vital Clear protein powder
What does the color of your eyes say about how many greens you need to eat?
Check out this 3 minute video and find out…