What is Dry Mouth? How Can I Prevent it?

What is Dry Mouth? How Can I Prevent it?

What Dry Mouth Is & How to Prevent It

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a disease that occurs due to low production of saliva. In order to moisten and cleanse one’s mouth, production of enough saliva is necessary. Production of enough saliva also prevents one from numerous infections and gum diseases. If you are suffering from dry mouth, then you can consult your dentist for its treatment. In order to detect whether you are suffering from dry mouth or not, you should know its symptoms. Moreover, to inform your dentist more effectively and accurately, you should know its common causes. Here, you can get information about common causes and symptoms of dry mouth and get some tips to help you minimize this condition.

Causes of Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can occur as a side effect of use of several prescribed or un-prescribed medicines for relieving pain, depression, or to treat cold, asthma etc. Dry mouth can also be a side effect of some diseases such as: hypertension, AIDS, anemia, diabetes, etc. Some other common causes of dry mouth may include dehydration, nerve damage, removal of salivary glands by surgery, breathing with an open mouth, and smoking.

Common Symptoms of Dry Mouth

You are suffering from dry mouth if you feel dryness in your mouth or throat or are frequently thirsty. Other symptoms include bad breath, a sore throat, or cracked lips. These symptoms all indicate that you might need to visit your dentist for medication.

Tips to Minimize Dry Mouth

  • If you are facing dry mouth due to medication, then consult your doctor to change dosage.
  • Drink plenty of water or juice.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth.
  • Visit your dentist twice a year.
  • Use a room vaporizer.
  • Suck sugar-free candies or chew sugar-free gums.
  • Avoid using alcoholic mouthwashes.
  • Avoid using salty and dry food.
  • Use artificial saliva products as prescribed by your dentist.
  • Use salagen if prescribed by your dentist. (It’s basically a medicine that helps in increased production of saliva.)
  • Use toothpastes and mouthwashes prescribed to the patients of dry mouth.

If you are facing any of symptoms of dry mouth, frequently visit your dentist for his advice.

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