General Health
What is dry downing?

What is dry downing?

Dry Drowning

Summer time is here. It is full of water play, but there is a higher risk of drowning. Many people do not realize that they can drown even when they are not in the water. It is very rare, but is known as dry drowning.

Here is everything you need to know about dry drowning:

What is dry drowning?

Dry drowning happens when a person breathes in a small amount of water during a struggle in the water. This will trigger the muscles located in your airway to spasm, which in return, will make it very difficult for you to breath.

All this really means is the fluid begins to build up in your lungs in the pulmonary edema section. This will happen after a near-drowning incident. The said fluid is what causes trouble breathing.

So basically, a person who experiences a near-drowning incident can be completely fine before any signs of dry drowning become visible. Dry drowning will result in is breathing trouble and brain injury. If it is left untreated, it can actually be deadly.

What are the signs of dry or secondary drowning?

A near-drowning person can experience:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Moodiness
  • Fatigue

However, these signs are not always easy to spot. Especially in young children, who are normally moody as it is. If you see your child struggling in the water, monitor them closely, as it can take hours to see any signs.

What should you do if you think someone is at risk?

If you happen to see any signs listed above, you should go to the emergency room immediately. Time is of the essence when treating dry drowning. Do not wait to see if the symptoms will get better because that will increase the chance of death.

Can dry drowning be treated?

Yes. It can easily be treated with oxygen at the hospital.

How long after an incident is there a risk for dry drowning?

Dry drowning will usually occur anywhere from 1 hour all the way up to 24 hours after the near-drowning incident.

Can dry drowning and be prevented?

Of course it can be prevented. Just like drowning can be prevented. You need to keep an eye on children and inexperienced swimmers. It does not matter if a life guard is on duty. When it is summer time the pool will be filled with lots of children and their families. It is vital that you watch out for your own as the life guards can get tied up with other families and not be closely watching the pools.

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