Healthcare Marketing
Differences What’s the Between Email Forms and Chat Sessions on a Healthcare Website?

Differences What’s the Between Email Forms and Chat Sessions on a Healthcare Website?

Here are some differences between instant chat forms verses email forms on a website.


By adding instant chat to doctor websites, we found the average of number of overall leads jump over 90 percent!  Instant chat calls-to-action are typically more animated, use contrasting color, and include some human connection (photo).

Visitor Perception

Website visitors perceive email dialog differently than it does chat sessions.  Chat sessions are seen more as instant communication and response.  And today’s online audience is all about instant gratification.
Visitor Expectation
When a visitor submits an email form, there is no solid expectation as to when they should expect to get a response or from whom.   Chat, on the other hand, carries expectations similar to instant messaging on your smartphone, where a more immediate response is expected.  Also, graphic call-to-action invitation to chat sets the expectation that someone is there waiting to dialog with them.  Not so with email.

Immediacy:  Key to Sales Conversions

Statistics indicate how quickly your respond to website inquires has a tremendous impact on your sales conversions.  A Harvard Business Study shows that online leads grow cold quickly (  Instant chat allows prospects to start engaging with your business immediately.

Chat Agents or Practice Staff

Who should man the chat sessions?  In an ideal world, you want a trained member of your staff sitting in front of their computer and jumping on every chat engagement.  Unfortunately, that is not realistic in most practice settings.  Chat services with live agents are typically, more effective at immediately addressing inquiries.  The key is to have tight scripts and protocols that are custom to your office.  There is an option for chat leads to start with your staff member and roll over to agents when they are not available.  However, we initially recommend you start with chat agents, rather than restructuring your internal personnel or office procedures.

You should still incorporate quick contact forms throughout your website, but adding the option to chat with your practice will stimulate more response and allow more immediate connection with your new prospects.

Bill Fukui

Bill Fukui is the Director of Marketing & Sales at Page 1 Solutions. Lawyers, Doctors, Dentists, and Plastic Surgeons get online and get to the top of the search results.

Bill Fukui

Bill Fukui

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