Doctors Strauss, Sarathy and Oliphant of Charleston Oral & Facial Surgery share why this surgery could be the most important in your life
Charleston, SC (October 20, 2014)
– When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, we could all use a little help. For those with the common condition characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, known as sleep apnea, that often requires surgery.
According to a national report, a staggering 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and an estimated 10 million Americans remain undiagnosed. Even Boston Red Sox first baseman, Mike Napoli, who has escaped surgery after injuries at various times throughout this season, will undergo a facial reconstruction surgery next month to help his sleep apnea.
The procedure, which is performed by Doctors Strauss, Sarathy and Oliphant at Charleston Oral & Facial Surgery, utilizes a team approach, involving the patient’s Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) specialist, pulomonologist, primary care physician, and general dentist.
Napoli’s procedure, called bimaxillary advancement surgery, specifically separates and moves the front pieces of the lower and upper jaw to allow for more room behind the tongue. The result: a lower chance of obstruction and a better night’s sleep.
“Sleep apnea is a disorder that many of our patients suffer from and it’s critical they have it addressed by our team as soon as possible,” said Edward Strauss, MD, DMD. “For some patients, simply making new lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, avoiding alcohol and quitting smoking, can help, but for most, this easy, affordable surgery is the ideal long-term solution.
Common symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring with pauses in breathing during sleep, gasping or choking during sleep, daytime drowsiness, morning headache, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and memory loss. For more information on sleep apnea, and Charleston Oral & Facial Surgery, visit