Having a website in the 21st century is like having a calling card. It is used as an introduction of a person or a business. Today, anyone can build a website for free, whether they have experience or not. Websites like Wix or Weebly have made it possible for anyone to create a free website. However, there are a few rules that you should follow when building your website.
Have a Purpose to Exist
Every website should be designed with a purpose in mind. Have a solid understanding of what you want to convey with your website and how it should be managed. Determine what content is included, the message you want to convey to your visitors, and all other things associated with building a website. Don’t try and rush the process of designing a website, remember what you are trying to achieve, and be sure to create a positive impact. Have a single specific purpose and know what you want to achieve and how you are willing to do it. If you try, you can find a way to make it happen.
Check Before Publishing
When you write an essay in school, the process includes creating a rough draft and checking your work before turning it in. The same must be done for a new website, since it is possible to overlook minor details when creating the site. Check for broken or missing links, grammatical errors, and alignment issues. Go over your website with a fine-tooth comb, and then get another person to do the same. Getting a fresh perspective can bring attention to details that you might have missed.
This is especially the case when you are blogging.
Make Sure Others Can Navigate Your Website
No one knows your own website like you do, and believing that anyone can navigate it is a common mistake. Navigation should be one of your primary concerns when creating a website. Try to make navigating your site as easy as possible, as having no clear way to do so can affect your site and its usability and accessibility. Think about adding a site map or FAQ page. When developing the navigation for your website, imagine what a person visiting your website would want, which pages are most critical, how visitors will desire to move from one sheet to the next, and how many clicks it will take to go from one page to another.
Avoid Too Many Images and Too Much Writing
Cluttering up your homepage with tons of information or too many images can reflect poorly on the number of people that visit your site. First impressions count, as do first appearances. Including so many words that you have to scroll down ten pages can bore people and send them packing. More than one or two images can cause your site to slow down. Your site does not have to be an award-winning masterpiece, so try and keep it trendy and simple.
What are your best practices that you utilize with your website?